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Friday, July 26, 2024

How to test your Linux Antivirus (eicar)

Here are the step I follow to test if antivirus is working: 

Download these antivirus test file, do not be afraid they are will not harm to your server. 

$ cd ~ && mkdir virustest
$ wget 
$ wget 
$ wget 
$ wget 
$ clamscan ./

Note: these virus pattern testing file also recognized by Windows antivirus, just make a try there.

Antivirus for Linux (clamav)

Antivirus for linux mostly delivered as commercial product, rare to be a free. Among free of charge antivirus for linux, but with limited features is clamav. 

How to install clamav? 
$ sudo apt update 
$ sudo apt install clamav 

How use use clamav to scan virus? 
$ clamscan /path/to/target

How to update clamav virus definition file?
$ sudo freshclam 

How to see version? 
$ clamscan --version

Ddy/@Pekanbaru, Jul 2024.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Ansible Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Ansible installation on Ubuntu 24.04LTS sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install ansible sudo mkdir /etc/ansible sudo chown user:user /etc/ansible ansible-config init --disabled > /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg nano /etc/ansible/hosts Test ping ansible all -m ping

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Tutorial Network 01

 Jaringan sederhana berikut terdiri dari 2 komputer.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Download Raspberry Pi Toolchain - Cross Compiler

Develop, test, run your application on Linux desktop, and deploy on Rasberry Pi2 board, x86_64 and other Linux machine.....
Cross compiler application development for Raspberry Pi is now available for Linux. This ide/toolchain known to work and already tested on Ubuntu 14.04-LTS Trusty Tahr.

chmod 755

For installation packages, please check on following url:

Toolchain is generated using awesome build system called buildroot, and make use of prominent eclipse ide.

Please make try this application, and would like to hear your feedback ....

wxRibbon, another sample wxWidgets/GTK2 application running on Raspbian Jessie:

Monday, October 26, 2015

How to Compile Linux Kernel with Current Configuration

This article is abount recompiling Ubuntu 14.04 kernel using current configuration. Customizing of the kernel is possible after you made copy of current config from /boot/config-`uname -r` to .config as well.
For linux distribution version other than Ubuntu 14.04 TrustyTahr might also applied with several adjustment.

Prepare workspace

$ mkdir -pv /opt/Ubuntu_x64/TrustyTahr/KERNEL
$ cd /opt/Ubuntu_x64/TrustyTahr/KERNEL

Git Current Kernel
$ git clone git://

Get Current Kernel

$ export MYKERNEL=linux-image-$(uname -r)
$ apt-get source $MYKERNEL

$ cd cd linux-lts-utopic-3.16.0
$ cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config

Do customize whatever you want to modify on this kernel source ...

$ make
$ make modules_install
$ make install

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Raspberry Pi GPIO Programming with C++

How to access your Rapberry Pi GPIO using C++? This brief information will lead you through the easy way to program GPIO port of Raspbery Pi B+ model . There are several c++ class library and/or methods available for you to do a program in C++, ie:
- WiringPi
- Direct Register Access by Hertaville
- Tutorial by VisualGDB
- My choice to use c++ library made by McCauley, on, and Library homepage.

This article is not finished yet, ... please wait at the moment....

Friday, October 09, 2015

slimbian - Slim and Minimalist Raspbian

Minimal installation of raspbian.Jessie is out, targetted for full running lite server or embedded application.
  • 100% Official Raspbian compatible.
  • Less than 500MB installed.
  • Small memory footprint ~56MB.
  • ~09 seconds boot up on Raspberry Pi 2.
  • Linux 4.1.7-v7+ armv7l.
  • SSH server enable.
 Please check slimbian here !